Thursday, December 10, 2009

And then I did a bit more work and created an alternate version! Little bit of color changing, fixed some stuff with the text, worked on the shadows a bit more, added a bit more with the grid. Hope you like it!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sonic the Pop Star

Remember Sonic? I mean the good ol' Sonic, back on your genesis? You remember how catchy the songs were? You do? OK good.

Now lets look at Sonic 3... Some of those bad ass tune were worked on and written by none other than Micheal Jackson! Peep the kotaku article about it here.

I personally think that is just plain awesome. Just as long as no one plays that drowning music or I will have to beat them.

Also, some designer needs to be promoted for the 15 anniversary Playstation Logo, because that design is beautiful.

Usability Test

For my usability test, I figured why not do a site that has a ton of features and that most college students use every day?

1) Log in (I assume everyone has a FB account and knows how to log not really a good question).

2) Send a message to a friend.

3) Change the bumper stickers application from publishing to your wall.

4) View your friends' phonebook.

5) Create a new Friends list and create a businesses list.

6) Edit your privacy settings to limit what that businesses list can see.

7) Upload a new photo to an existing album.

8) Make that photo your profile picture and tag yourself in that picture.

9) Make the photos page the first page your see on your homepage.

10) Go play some bejeweled blitz for taking this quiz! :D

Hope that was a good usability test. It covers some lesser know, harder to find stuff in facebook that really maybe should be easier to find, or at least in my opinion!