Friday, November 20, 2009


Free: The Future of Radical Price is a book by Chris Anderson.
And guess what, you can now download the audiobook for FREE from wired. Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
This blog post is taking the place of my kotaku one for the week
due to sheer epicness. I was linked to the article on Wired, which you can find here, off of another blog, JrockNYC. Even if you arn't into jrock, or don't even know what it is, I encourage you to check out his blog. Go, who owns the blog, is an excellent writer and posts tons of great content spanning all sorts of entertainment.

But back onto Free. The book was brought up in class once or twice and it's sat at the back of my mind for a while. Once I saw this link, I knew that I wanted to check it out. After listening to the prologue, I new I had to listen to the rest. I am currently half way through the book and enjoying every minute of it. It is a great listen and if you haven't read it yet I suggest you hit up the link and check it out.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Check out my website!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Right now I am thinking about doing a website for my friend's company, or at least work on the basic idea of it. my final idea is to do it in flash, but I have no experience in flash so far and that will probably have to wait till Christmas Break. So for now I have just come up with a simple layout. Obviously, the colors and such are not what they would be in the final, but it gives a good idea of the basic layout. The company, Theory Clothing, revolves on t-shirt and clothing design based around extreme sports. With that I will adjust the colors and pictures as such.